COVID-19 and Our Community
Iowa Urban Media and the Urban Experience Magazine will do all it can to make sure you are kept informed during COVID-19. We know this virus is disproportionally affecting blacks. This is upsetting to hear, but not surprising considering due to many dying from underlying health conditions.
Do your Part to keep the Rona Away
I love my people. We are the only group that can be going through a pandemic and give it a nickname. Everyone around us calls it the Coronavirus. We decide to call it the Rona. Well the Rona is hitting the black community hard. Here are some helpful tips to help the Rona stay away from you.
#1 Wash your hands – All day long we use our hands from typing on a computer, using our cell phone and changing channels with the remote. Our hands collect so many germs and we know that the Rona can be spread by picking it up from others. Take the time to wash your hands for twenty seconds. When your almost finished washing hands, keep water running, dry your hands and use whatever you dried your hands with to turn off the running water.
#2 Disinfect object in your house – Each day you touch the light switches, TV remotes, doorknobs, and the microwave to name a few. Take the time to wipe items in your house down often. We know that Lysol Wipes are hard to find. Here idea from the CDC that you can do with things you probably have in your own home.
Bounty paper towels
1 quart of water
4 teaspoons of Clorox
Coffee Can with lid
Place paper towels in a large coffee can (you might need to cut paper towels) pour water and bleach over them. Close lid and use wipes as need. If you can’t find paper towels use washcloths. Follow the same directions and keep soaked wash cloths in a coffee can or in another closed container that you have in your home.
#3 Cover that cough - If you cough or sneeze please do this the proper way, in the crease of your elbow. Also, if you happen to cough or sneeze in your hands. WASH THEM!
#4 Social Distance – Most of us will have to visit the grocery store, pharmacy, gas station, and bank. While your out keep your distance. We have been advised to keep a six feet distance from each other. Many stores have adopted the six feet rule when you are waiting in line. Remember if you don’t do your part, this virus will continue to spread. If you can please stay home.
We at the Urban Experience Magazine want you to do your part. Remember if your sick stay at home and if you can get someone else to help you run your errands, please do so. We must do all we need to for the Rona to leave. Take care of yourself and others. Take time to laugh through this, it’s good medicine for your soul.